Screwtape begins his letter by explaining why the devils are currently concealing themselves from humanity. With concealment they are able to do their work unseen, with belief in the devils humans can be terrorized, but also are forced to believe in the spiritual existence of both the devils and God. Humans through their desire to have things be proven, are more likely to believe what they can see.
Shortly after this point comes the most confusing passage to me:
"I have high hopes that we shall learn in due time how to emotionalise and mythologise their science to such an extent that what is, in effect, belief in us, (though not under that name) will creep in while the human mind remains closed to the Enemy [God]. The "Life Force," the worship of sex, and some aspects of Psychoanalysis may here prove useful. If once we can produce our perfect work--the Materialist Magician, the man, not using, but veritably worshipping, what he vaguely calls "Forces" while denying the existence of "spirits"--then the end of the war will be in sight." p 33.
What does he mean by materialist magician? How can one emotionalize and mythologise science? After researching this some, I've come to the conclusion that the enemy would benefit by humans emotionalizing their science through believing that "forces" cause significant life events, denying any spiritual realm. We can see this as psychiatry attempts to define conscience, mores and values. Remember earlier in the book we were introduced to materialism which defines everything as matter. This may help define the role of a materialist magician as someone who defines all events as tangible, explainable occurrences.
Soon, Screwtape moves into discussing the use of extreme factions in winning souls. He points out how a belief in any extreme can cause a soul to falter even if it's in the name of religion. This happens when the person begins to value the cause more than God himself. He winds up fighting for his own selfish agenda and puts God's name on it, which can be rather pretentious. Often the causes are untangible, distant causes that force one to concentrate on them rather than those around them that may need help.
He also describes how any factions, even in the church, can cause divisiveness. This divisiveness causes an us against them agenda that opposes elements of Christianity.
After reading this letter, it makes me think that our founding fathers had a good idea when deciding to separate church and state. You can see the divisiveness when you look at any cause that has Christianity mixed into it. It can even divide Christians
and certainly doesn't reflect well to the outside world. I realize that Christians need to act, and take a stance in things, but I think this must be done very carefully.
I found 2 very useful sites for discussion questions regarding this letter:
Until next time...Peace.
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