Before we get started, here are a few words defined to help you understand the letter:
This topic actually came up in my Sunday school class this weekend. I've been amazed at how many times I've been able to apply what I've learned from these letters to my life throughout the past couple weeks and how much I've grown as a Christian.
We are studying Revelations, when the class began to argue over Millenium theory. Do Methodists prescribe to premellenialism, post mellenialism or amellenialism (Excuse the spelling, I'm too lazy to look it up)? Aagh, my mind screamed, just the topic to divide the class. Wouldn't Screwtape be happy. I happen to know one man in my class is very much a Revelations scholar. Stuck trying to figure out the future. I mentioned perhaps we should not put so much energy into trying to know the past (creationism) and trying to define the future, as we really need to focus on how we're living now.
Avarice: excessive desire for wealth or gain (hhmm, not much avarice in the world today, she says flippantly).
Philological: Study of literature or language.
Complacency: self satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiency.
In this letter, Wormwood notes a lull in the war and wonders how he should take advantage of this lull. Should he use "Stupid confidence," or anxiety about the future? This question brings about a discussion of time. Time is defined as the past, present and future.
What is so bad about living in the past?
Why would the devils want us to avoid living in the present?
Which virtues look to the future?
How should we look to the past, present and future?
***Search for quotes about "living in the present" on google. Post your favorite quote here, remember to note the author.***
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