Here are some excellent questions to ask during your reading of the Odyssey (taken from Teaching Literature in the Grammar Grades and High School by Emma Bolenius).
1. Where was Ulysses' home?
2. Why was Ulysses forced to take these long journeys?
3. Trace his wanderings.
4. Who are the chief characters in each book?
5. What are the chief events in each?
6. What was the most thrilling scene?
7. What characters do you like the best?
8. What was the cause of the Trojan War?
9. On which side are you?
10. What monsters have you met?
11. What is your idea of a hero?
12. Who comes nearest to it in this poem?
13. Which of the women do you like best?
14. What sports did the Greeks like?
15. What was their idea of heaven/hell?
16. What were their methods of fighting?
17. How do these methods compare with those used today?
18. Which Gods and Goddesses exerted a bad influence?
19. Which were good?
20. What have you learned about the home life of the Greek? Social life? Amusements? Religion? Traveling? Treatment of servants?
Possible essay questions:
1. Compare Athene and Aphrodite
2. Which is the better ideal for woman?
3. Compare Helen and Penelope
4. Compare Ulysses with our modern conception of a hero. How did Ulysses fall short?
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