Who is the woman under God's left arm? The cheribum are all shown as chubby infants. The woman however is mature. Hint: Eve appears in another part of this painting in the Sistine Chapel and she does not look like this woman.
What do you think the shell is around God and the cherubim?
Some options to consider: Eve (See original post) & Mary. Proverbs 8 has also been linked to this painting by art scholars. Read it to see what you think.
I think that the woman under God’s arm is possibly Mary, the mother of Jesus. I think this because God had already planned out when Jesus would come down and therefore He had already chosen Jesus’ mother.
I think that the woman in the painting is Wisdom, because God is wisdom. Also, the object He is sitting in looks like the half of the brain that controls wisdom. He is within it, showing that God is wisdom.
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